Why Summer Training Is So Important For B.Tech Students

As you know B tech is a professional degree course which is designed to produce quality professional. Summer training is an imperative part of technical students to grow their career in technical field. Syllabus of b tech designed to keeping one thing in mind is that its cover 60% practical knowledge and 40% theoretical knowledge of every technology. B tech is all about learning application of different technology and   troubleshooting etc. That’s why MNCs visit every engineering college to take professional students for companies, but today demand of engineering students falling at rapid speed in IT and other market due to various reasons. The main reason behind that the shortage of engineering professionals in engineering colleges. There are many colleges that cannot afford wages charged by technical expert. Secondly most of engineering colleges hire fresher as lectures, fresher’s are not well skilled they have only little bit of technical knowledge so the result is that cannot give technical knowledge to their students and practical teaching decreasing day by day. The main motive of every engineering student is to pass out semester exam and get degree. They are not much aware about latest technologies. The big companies and MNC’s require those students that have solid technical knowledge and fast learning skills.


This is the main reason that summer training and industrial training is very important for engineering and technical students. With the help of summer training students learn how to work in corporate world. It is 45 days training in which student works on live projects and learn about latest technologies. So that for engineering student summer training is only option to gaining solid technical knowledge. These training organizations not only provide training but also teach best way to learn technologies. In summer training student have best opportunity where student can improve their technical knowledge to secure career in technical field. There are various companies that provide summer training but before selecting a company there is some points that you should keep in mind.

•  The organization should be easy to reach access with good conveyance facility.
•    The organization should be updated with latest technologies.
•  The faculty of organization should be professional and have expertise in their field.
•    Organization should have good and fast working PCs so you can run latest software and also avoid waste of time.
•    How good it their lab – it will be your primary work place.
•   If you can try to get information on any of their project that is being used by clients in market  and is live.
• The certificate of organization should be applicable at major organizations.

These all are very important points that you should keep in mind before choose a company for summer training.

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PSD to Magento: A Perfect Shopping Cart Platform for Successful Online Business

Magento has entirely transformed the ecommerce development sector. Magento development is the most suited priority of web developers. It has all the complicated features that are vital to set up an online e-commerce store. Magento is widely used e-commerce platform and online e-commerce software that provide all sorts of functionalities for an online store.


Magento also provides custom-built e-commerce solutions using the authoritative open source Magento. Using Magento we can handle every feature of our online store, from products to advertising offers and many more. Magento e-commerce has turn out to be the preferred option of many e-commerce owners worldwide because of its commanding supervision tailored designs, fast and well-ordered database and cost effective price structure. Magento  offers the finest Integration Services to its customers across the world.

Website that are makes by using the Magento, can integrate easily with several types of payment gateway such as stock management system, with Google Shopping, Amazon, eBay and more. You can make your ecommerce more effectively and efficiently by using Magento.

Magneto provides several offers for marketing promotion such as coupons, discounts and different promotion options. Magento gives facility of Site administration, control of more than one web site, multiple languages, tax rate with maintain for US and International markets, customizable point of view through templates

Magento may not be appropriate for all projects however. If this problem is comes then Magento provides best feature i.e. software it depend upon the user changing their patterns of working to match the software, rather than to change the software for doing their work. However for a small business and middle size business on a budget it’s a cost effective way of getting your shop up and running as quickly as possible.

PSD  is a service of Magento that is used for creating and edit images in Adobe Photoshop. Psd is a proprietary file format that supports all available image types such as- Bitmap, RGB, Duotone, Grayscale, Indexed Color, CMYK, Lab, and Multichannel.
PSD image files may be opened with Adobe Photoshop or any other Photoshop Elements on Windows; or Apple Preview on Mac OS.

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Magento web development companies in India

E-commerce website development is one of the most competitive parts in development sector. Everyone wants to make their website more attractive and user friendly. For website development there are many platforms where e commerce websites can be design but there is nothing better than magento. Magento is a powerful open source platform. Magento developer can easily customize your e commerce website. Magento was developed and introduced by Magento Inc, known as Varien. It was completely developed using Zend Framework which works with PHP and MySQL as database.


Advantage of Magento

1. It is a very elegant platform
2. We can develop large e commerce website
3. Magento Responsive theme for mobile web browsers
4. Mobile Application integration

Magento is an elegant platform because of its flexibility, scalability and adaptable, and the main powerful advantage of magento platform is that with the help of magento we can develop large ecommerce websites. There are many development companies that provide magento services. But before hiring a company for magento services you have to ensure that does the magento developer has enough knowledge of magento extension? You need to make sure that developer have expertise in this platform. If you are hiring the services of a company you need to interview the developer who will work on your project as his/her expertise will decide the outcome of your website. Don’t give a green signal until you are completely satisfied with the skills and the experience. And the most important thing that you should consider before hiring a company is that price; you need to get highly functional website at affordable price. Developers must offer supports service in case your site face bugs.

These all are very important points that you should keep in mind before hiring a company for e-commerce website development.
Magento expert is a leading web application development company that is located in India. Developers at magento expert have advance skill in magento site development. They are highly experience in open source platform.

Services offered by Magento Expert

1. Magento module customization
2. Magento module integration
3. Magento design and development
4. Custom leading page design
5. Magento e commerce development
6. Magento store development

In case, you are looking magento Development Company in india, Mageto Expert is a best place for you. Magento Expert believes in providing best services according to client requirement.

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